速報APP / 遊戲 / WorldCraft : survival cubes

WorldCraft : survival cubes



檔案大小:27.7 MB


版本需求:OS X 10.9 或以上版本,64 位元處理器

敘述:pixel sandbox mini world game

WorldCraft : survival cubes(圖1)-速報App




进入游戏后您需要选择您的种族。然后通过发展您的部队和联盟力量,最后需要深入敌方腹地直捣黄龙!精美的地图,宏伟的地下室,挖矿合成,驯服动物,打败敌人!您需要做的事情很多很多。‘/award' 命令可以看到很多指南。




WorldCraft : survival cubes(圖2)-速報App





注意:游戏内输入'/help' 可以查看各种命令及其帮助。

In this sandbox game, you need to learn how to mine and craft new things, live in the dark night and fight with zombies and monsters.

You can also build amazing buildings/gardens or anything you like. If you’re a fan of survivalcraft, freecraft or worldcraft, you should try this one.

WorldCraft : survival cubes(圖3)-速報App

Here’s some notes for you:

1. Ask your friends to join the wifi world with you may help you a lot.

2. Monsters and zombies will spawn around you when they’re ready. They’ll kill you with no hesitate, I promise.

3. Use torches or sleep at a bed at night will save your life

4. Use your swords and any weapons to fight with those creatures!! BE A MAN!!

Good Luck!!

WorldCraft : survival cubes(圖4)-速報App

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WorldCraft : survival cubes(圖5)-速報App